
  • How much is enough documentation?

    Documentation is important, but it takes a lot of time and if you are a solo developer, what documentation to you really need? Still, good docs can provide the context I forget after putting a project on the shelf, or explains how to fix something in older code I use, but haven’t touched in a…

  • How to fork (a repo) like a boss!

    Everyone thinks about forking. It is a natural thing, yet how do get the job done and fork? I used to ask myself the same thing, until I learned these pro-tips and forked like a boss.

  • Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) are fine, just not great

    Azure Static Web Apps feel like a good idea, but in practice I struggled with understanding what the product is trying to be. This post documents my experience working with SWAs on a few projects, namely this website, along with the problems and workarounds/solutions I found to those problems.

  • Working around 'Refuses to Connect' Issues with IFrame Embedded Twitch Players

    With me doing more livecoding sessions on Twitch, I wanted to embed some clips into my blog posts and hit some weird issues. I managed to get it working and wanted to document the workaround so I don’t forget it.

  • Cannot Find Module Bootloader.js in VSCode DevContainer

    Problem: When running node commands from within a DevContainer, you receive the error ‘Cannot find module bootloader.js’. This post contains the solution.

  • Personal and Professional Fulfillment through Cake and Ice Cream

    I made a cake and two kinds of ice cream, from scratch, for my daughter’s birthday. The process of making a plan, adapting, executing, delivering, and being validated highlighted how important it is to feel fulfilled, both personally and professionally.

  • Advent of Code 2021: Day 1

    My initial thoughts after completing the first day of my first journey into the Advent of Code.

  • I am NOT trying to be a Game Developer

    It’s time for me to come clean about something: I am not trying to become a game developer. BUT…I am still trying to make video games.

  • Finding Inspiration in Princess Tomato and the Salad Kingdom [NES]

    In search for inspiration in my own game collection I’ve decided to explore this text-based salad adventure.

  • YouTube and Twitch: My Revengence

    I miss making video content, but what value does YouTube and Twitch content give you?