How to Add an External Library to Your Godot 4.2 C# Project
You have a game you are developing using Godot, and there is some functionality isn’t included in the […]
Picking The Technology for my Game
I want to develop a game, and not just produce it.
The Difference between Apps and Games
No, really. Are they actually that different?
Excited about WebGL because of Grandia II
I was asking my partner for some advice on what game I should play. This is a regular occurrence for both of us, as we are both video game lovers and tend to lean towards single player games, and only have one television to share between us. Ultimately, we enjoy watching each other play through…
Time for a Real Change
I know I seem to change my blog once a year saying “this time it’s different”. The message […]
Stop Hating IE and Be a Professional (Part 3)
This post is part three of three. Part 1 (Be a Realist) and Part 2 (Be a Strategist) […]
Stop Hating IE and Be a Professional (Part 2)
This post is part two of three. Part 1 (Be a Realist) and Part 3 (Be a Leader) […]
Stop Hating IE and Be a Professional (Part 1)
This post is part one of three. Part 2 (Be a Strategist) and Part 3 (Be a Leader) are available as well.