
  • Always Use Node (Even on Non-Node Projects)

    That’s right. I said it: Always use Node, no matter what! Even if your server isn’t going to be a Node server, just have it installed because you’ll use it.

  • Why do you RequireJS?

    Get it? RequireJS is a dependency management framework I use in JavaScript to manage…well my dependencies. But, the […]

  • Nintendo Builds Rich HTML5 Experiences

    I need to throw a shout out to Nintendo.

  • Why do you CoffeeScript your JavaScript?

    I was asked this the other day: Why don’t you just write your code in JavaScript directly? As in, why would you use a langugage that abstracts JavaScript, which doesn’t require compiliation?

  • Why do I JavaScript?

    The answer is simple: I don’t want to limit about my platform options on day one.

  • The MVP Network is Awesome

    Over the weekend I hit a Windows Azure issue in my side project that totally blocked me. Yesterday, I reached out on Twitter, and the Canadian MVP network picked it up and helped me solve it in 30 minutes.

  • IE on Reddit – Highlight Reel

    To me, this is IamA (I am a something ask me anything) is historic with web platforms.

  • Whatcha doin' DW?

    Lot’s of stuff really, but here’s the big ones at 50,000 feet.

  • Hypertext Gaming – Starting June 29th on Twitch

    Starting Sunday, June 29th I will be hosting a livestream on Twitch I call Hypertext Gaming.

  • Back to Basics: The Text Editor

    Goal To use a minimalist toolset to build and manage an HTML and JavaScript/NodeJS project from the ground […]