Tag: vscode
Cannot Find Module Bootloader.js in VSCode DevContainer
Problem: When running node commands from within a DevContainer, you receive the error ‘Cannot find module bootloader.js’. This post contains the solution.
Windows Not Required – The New Microsoft Development Story
I delivered a presentation at the Winnipeg .NET User Group last week, where I recorded it and posted it on YouTube. I go over a number of Microsoft development tools and technologies that don’t require Windows and deliver the demos on my Linux machine.
Code – The Visual Studio for Everybody
Last week I delivered three presentations: one at the Winnipeg .NET User Group and the other two at Winnipeg Code Camp. Being as awesome as we are, the user group presentation was recorded and has been published on the YouTube page
Using Java Build Script Tasks in Visual Studio Code
I previously shared how I setup a custom problem matching in Visual Studio Code for compiling Java and displaying the errors inline with a custom problem matcher.
Custom Tasks for Java in Visual Studio Code
Now that I’m a Java Developer, I no longer worry about the bloating feeling I get when I need to open up the original Visual Studio. Now I worry about opening another instance of Eclipse. Don’t get me wrong, Visual Studio and Eclipse are both great tools, but there are plenty of times where I…