Tag: presentations

  • No Mission Impossible: How We Achieved the Unthinkable with Banner

    How do you upgrade a customized Banner SSB8 in record time and get ready for the cloud? With a lot of guts, grit, and humor. Jackson and David are here to tell you how. They have faced skeptics, challenges, and deadlines, but the key is to never give up. They rallied the campus community around…

  • It’s Scary Using New AI Technology

    I talk to CEO of Karve IT, Jared Kozak, about using bleeding edge technology like Generative AI and risks (and rewards) that come with it.

  • Is AI Ready to Take Over the World?

    Discover how to hack IT governance as a solution architect! Learn how to leverage your skills to drive change, build consensus, and foster collaboration across the organization. Join us for a fun and informative session!

  • From Custom COTS to Cloud: A Case Study in Solution Architecture

    They said it was impossible. They said it couldn’t be done. They said they would never move our customized commercial off the shelf (COTS) application and move it into the cloud. They were not a Solution Architect. Learn what it takes to do the impossible and modernize your COTS development.

  • Consensus in the Chaos​: The Role of IT Architecture​

    This session explains the weird and bizarre world of IT architecture. You will learn about the role an IT Architect and they work together navigate the enterprise to achieve the impossible of creating consistency across multiple business units with different goals.

  • Speaking at Tech Events Helps You Grow

    A large part of my career growth is tied directly to speaking at tech events like conferences and user groups. I have had many people ask me about my experience and wanted to share it for others who might be wondering what benefits actually are.

  • Code – The Visual Studio for Everybody

    Last week I delivered three presentations: one at the Winnipeg .NET User Group and the other two at Winnipeg Code Camp. Being as awesome as we are, the user group presentation was recorded and has been published on the YouTube page

  • November 27 – Going Terminal: Learning to be IDE Free

    I’m making my public speaking comeback after nearly a full year off with a new original presentation called Going Terminal: Learning to be IDE Free.

  • DW on Tour

    That’s right, I’m heading out on a small tour out west in November and December to do some […]