Traf-O-Data and Windows NT on LGR Tech Tales

Wed Apr 08 2015 13:42:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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  • microsoft
  • In recent days, a specific YouTube channel has my caught my attention. It's called Lazy Game Reviews, and last night I came across a great playlist of only four episoded called: LGR Tech Tales where LGR, the host, goes through a specific event in computer history.

    What's so Interesting?

    Outside of reviewing old PC hardware and MS-DOS games elsewhere on the channel, this series struck a cord with me because it talks about the beginnings of Traf-O-Data, which we now know as Microsoft.

    What I find so facinating, are the Digital Research and IBM OS/2 stories and how they relate to Microsoft. More specifically:

    The Point

    I've just really found LGR interesting. Looking back at computing history through the 70's, 80's, and 90's shows just how different things have become.

    Ultimately, I have no point other than old computers are really cool. If you're interested in that kind of thing, then I suggest you check out LGR on YouTube.

    Thanks for Playing.

    ~ DW