DW on Tour
That's right, I'm heading out on a small tour out west in November and December to do some talking about HTML and JavaScript. I suggest you find your way to DevTeach in Vancouver or Saskatoon in November to learn some awesome tricks.
Here's the skinny on what you can expect from me at each conference:
Prairie Developers Conference – Sasktoon, SK (November 4-5, 2013)
HTML5: The Parts You Care About
HTML5 is here to stay, but how to you keep know what information is important and what is nothing more than the buzz. The goal of this presentation is to give you the knowledge and tools to you need to understand how HTML5 can be applied to your software development world. We will discuss and view the current state of HTML5, review some of the common assumptions going on about HTML5, and how to start getting you and your developers off to a good start with HTML5.
The JavaScript Revolution: The New Age of Software Development
We are witnessing a major change in the world of software development, and it is time for you to embrace it. JavaScript is changing the way we look at platforms, as more and more "exclusive" technologies are embracing and supporting HTML5 and JavaScript. With the platforms changing to support JavaScript, so are our development tools and development infrastructure to allow for JavaScript compilation, continuous integration, and easier OO programming. In this session we will build a pure JavaScript /HTML5 project from the ground up that demonstrates the many tools and changes that have come in this new age, including JavaScript frameworks, compilers, and testing suites. We will also take a look at how even our build infrastructures are changing to include direct support for JavaScript.
DevTeach – Vancouver, BC (December 2-4, 2013)
NodeJS for Novices
We are witnessing a major change in the world of software development, and it is time for you to embrace it. JavaScript is changing the way we look at platforms, as more and more "exclusive" technologies are embracing and supporting HTML5 and JavaScript. With the platforms changing to support JavaScript, so are our development tools and development infrastructure to allow for JavaScript compilation, continuous integration, and easier OO programming. In this session we will build a pure JavaScript /HTML5 project from the ground up that demonstrates the many tools and changes that have come in this new age, including JavaScript frameworks, compilers, and testing suites. We will also take a look at how even our build infrastructures are changing to include direct support for JavaScript.
Typescript to the Max Extreme
The past year, Microsoft has released a new, open source, development language that we call TypeScript. This is no ordinary JavaScript abstraction, rather a true upgrade from JavaScript that can change the way you look at writing your JavaScript. In this session we will warm ourselves up to TypeScript to really understand what it's all about and how to get ourselves going inside of Visual Studio, or outside. Then, we'll move onto setting up our client app to use it, and push it beyond into the server-space as well.
Hope to see you there! If you're coming out, drop me a line via social media or by commenting below.
Thanks for playing.
~ DW