One of the best libraries I’ve seen for syntax highlighting on the web is highlight.js, IMHO. The catch to using the library is that it…
When redesigning my personal website and blog, I started from scratch and attempted to apply a mobile-first design approach. Here are a few tips that…
A few quick tips on how I kept up-to-date in the professional world while taking a four month hiatus for parental leave _without_ giving up…
I’ve been on this CSS kick for the past while, and I had forgotten how much CSS can do now. More specifically how things have…
Two out of three Dave’s hit this obscure CSS problem that turned out to be expected behaviour. David Wesst walks us through the reason why…
Is it always better to use JavaScript Frameworks? David continues his analysys and shares the pros and cons of writing your JavaScript from scratch.
Is it always better to use JavaScript Frameworks? David analyzes the pros and cons of using JavaScript frameworks versus only using core JavaScript
David reviews a handful of JavaScript-based game frameworks he went through before selecting one for his new game.
Chakra is the new JavaScript engine developed by Microsoft, which was first released as part of the, no longer supported Internet Explorer 9. This isn’t…
DW documents and shares his planning session for 2016 based on what he’s learned from 2015.